Wakefield was right.
Re-posted from Marcella’s Substack Nov 20, 2024
Watch VaxXed. Read the original paper and the "research" conducted to discredit, which actually does the opposite.
The first thing in my Facebook Feed this morning was this video. Dr. Andrew Wakefield: father reported perfectly fine until 18 month until MMR vaccine
“When you have to commit to that level of fraud… you’re on a losing run, right from the start. You are going to lose, because you can only sustain that lie for so long… And public confidence is shattered. It will never be regained.”- Dr. Andrew Wakefield
This seems like a good time to share the link to watch the film VaxXed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe.
For those new to this space, VaxXed is the film that documents the CDC Fraud and cover-up of the MMR-Autism research Dr. Wakefield refers to in the video above.
The attempts to discredit Dr. Wakefield have been extreme. And the dishonesty in the “research” that has been conducted for that purpose is easy to see if one knows how to read research and break it down. Which I did in this article:
Dr. Andrew Wakefield was right about MMR, GI disease, and autism.
Marcella Piper-Terry
November 16, 2023
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I first heard Dr. Andy Wakefield speak in 2005 at a Defeat Autism Now! Conference. We first met in 2012 at an AutismOne Conference where we were both speaking. I have considered Andy a friend for the last several years and count myself very fortunate to have had his excellent advice when I was facing some serious health problems in 2016-2017. Four years before we met, I wrote the following essay, which describes the process from injection through diagnosis for many children who have received the label of “autism.” I titled the essay, “Vaccines Do NOT Cause Autism” because that has been the mantra of the media and the medical field since Dr. Wakefield’s Lancet Twelve Study was published in 1998. “Vaccines do not cause autism” has been repeated literally millions of times, by millions of uninformed pharma puppets, without any of them actually doing any research into the issue. The media and the medical community are complicit in the destruction of countless lives, because they are too lazy, too bought, and too afraid to actually look for the truth. Fortunately, for the future of the children of the world, as Dr. Wakefield so accurately states in the video posted above, the lie is unsustainable, and the truth always wins.
Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism
Okay. I give up.Vaccines do not cause autism.
Autism is a behavioral diagnosis. In order to receive the diagnosis of “Autism” a child must exhibit a certain number of behaviors over a certain time frame. If he or she does not do so, the diagnosis of “autism” is not warranted.
There is no blood test for “autism.”
“Autism” can’t be confirmed or “ruled-out” by laboratory analysis. It’s strictly a behavioral diagnosis.
Therefore, anything that causes physiological damage cannot directly “cause” autism.
Ergo… vaccines cannot “cause” “autism.”
Vaccines cause other stuff.
Vaccines cause encephalitis.Vaccines cause seizures.Vaccines cause immune system deficiencies.Vaccines cause gastrointestinal problems.
Encephalitis causes mood swings.Encephalitis causes extreme pain.Encephalitis causes inattention and impulsivity.Encephalitis causes aggression.Encephalitis causes balance problems and difficulty relating to one’s environment.
Seizures cause mood swings.Seizures cause inattention and impulsivity.Seizures cause alterations in consciousness.
Immune system deficiencies cause children to have more frequent bacterial infections, such as ear infections, upper respiratory infections (URIs), sinusitis, and strep infections.
Immune system deficiencies cause children to have more frequent viral infections, such as stomatitis, “fevers of unknown origin,” “viral rashes,” hives, conjunctivitis, and gastrointestinal viruses that cause vomiting and diarrhea.
Immune system deficiencies cause children to be more vulnerable to “everything that’s going around” and to have a tougher time getting over things than their peers.
Gastrointestinal damage from vaccines causes diarrhea.Gastrointestinal damage from vaccines causes nausea, reflux, vomiting, and the recently discovered “disease” now known as GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease).
Gastrointestinal damage from vaccines causes increased vulnerability to viruses and bacteria, which leads to increased administration of antibiotics, which leads to overgrowth of pathogenic yeast.
Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to intestinal hyperpermeability (“leaky gut syndrome”).
Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to constipation.Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to food allergies.Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to skin eruptions, “drunken, silly behavior,” inattention and impulsivity, and cravings for bread, sugar, ice cream, milk, and carbohydrates.
Technically, vaccines do not cause autism because technically there is no such thing as autism.
Vaccines cause the underlying physical conditions that result in the pain, neurological damage, immune system disorders, gastrointestinal damage, and yeast overgrowth – all of which combine to produce the behavioral symptoms that result in the “autism” diagnosis.
Gastrointestinal damage is the most obvious result of vaccine damage.
When a previously healthy child suddenly starts having multiple episodes of watery and extremely stinky diarrhea every day, and this happens shortly after receiving vaccinations, it is notable as a “vaccine injury.” What is not so obvious is that when the child’s gut is permanently damaged, he or she is no longer able to absorb nutrients necessary to produce neurotransmitters necessary for proper brain function. So, when the child develops mood swings, sleep difficulties, and learning disabilities several months later, these issues are not recognized as being related to the vaccine injury because the initial damage occurred many months earlier.
Please re-read the previous paragraph.
This is why Dr. Andrew Wakefield is such a threat to the pharmaceutical industry.
Dr. Wakefield NEVER said vaccines cause autism.Dr. Wakefield is a gastroenterologist. He saw a number of children with gastrointestinal problems who also happened to be diagnosed with autism. Dr. Wakefield reported his observations. He never claimed that the MMR “caused” autism. He merely reported that a number of children he had seen had BOTH gastrointestinal problems AND autism, and according to parental report, these issues developed within a short time of when the children received the MMR vaccine.
Again… Why is Dr. Wakefield such a threat to the pharmaceutical industry?
Hint: Not because vaccines cause autism – they don’t.
Vaccines cause gastrointestinal damage.
Gastrointestinal damage causes malabsorption of nutrients necessary for proper brain function.Malabsorption of essential nutrients causes immune system disorders, seizures, encephalopathy, etc… and THAT’s what leads to the ultimate diagnosis of “autism.”
If Dr. Wakefield’s observations are correct, SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE will eventually draw the connection between vaccines and the domino-effect that leads to the “autism” diagnosis. From the perspective of the pharmaceutical industry, better to “nip it in the bud” now, which means discrediting Dr. Wakefield to the extent that no one will look further into the science.
Has this ploy worked?Not for me. And not for many of the very intelligent parents I know.Only time will tell if there are enough of us to make a difference.
Note: For more on vaccines and encephalitis: http://www.whale.to/v/buttram.html
Links to peer-reviewed medical literature:
If you believe the above links are biased, then please, get it straight from the horse’s mouth and check out the vaccine inserts (direct from the manufacturers) for yourself. Link: http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/package_inserts.htm