Material sources are listed below.
May 2021
COVID - What You Need To Know
Doshi P. Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us. BMJ. 2020;371:m4037. https://
Haseltine WA. Covid-19 vaccine protocols reveal that trials are designed to suc- ceed. Forbes, September 23, 2020. tine/2020/09/23/covid-19-vaccine-protocols-reveal-that-trials-are- designed-to-suc- ceed/?sh=5da0663d5247
Brownstein D, Ng R, Rowen R et al. A novel approach to treating COVID-19 using nutri- tional and oxidative therapies. Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law. 2020;2:4-22. uploads/2020/07/Novel-Approach-to- Covid-19.pdf
Jackson LA, Anderson EJ, Rouphael NG et al. An mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 – preliminary report. New England Journal of Medicine. 2020;383(20):1920-1931.
Allen A, Szabo L. NIH “very concerned” about serious side effect in coronavirus vaccine trial. Scientific American, September 15, 2020. article/nih-very-concerned-about-serious-side-effect-in- coronavirus-vaccine-trial
Mayer A. Leading COVID vaccine candidates plagued by safety concerns. The Defender, November 13, 2020. didates-safety-concerns/?itm_term=home
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, October 22, 2020 Meeting Presentation, slide #16. documents-reveal-death-21-seri- ous-conditions-possi1
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. COVID-19 pandemic planning scenarios. Updated September 10, 2020.
Petition/motion for administrative/regulatory action regarding confirmation of efficacy end points and use of data in connection with the following clinical trials. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Michael Yeadon, petitioners. Filed with European Medicines Agency, December 1, 2020. content/uploads/ sites/2/2020/12/Wodarg_Yeadon_EMA_Petition_Pfizer_Trial_FINAL_01DEC2020_ EN_unsigned_with_Exhibits.pdf
AMA, Ethics, Informed Consent
Int J Clin Pract. 2020 Oct 28 : e13795., PDF
Front. Microbiol., 05 December 2018
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JCI Insight February 21, 2019

August 2019
Vaccine Schedule Comparison Post Card
54% of our children have chronic illness:
1 in 36 autism:
8% or 1 in 12 have food allergies:
14% are in special education:
1 in 285 will be diagnosed with cancer:
1 in 26 will develop epilepsy:
1 in 12 have asthma:
1 in 5 have learning disabilities:
August 2019
Vaccine Choice Educational Signage

“Bodily integrity is the inviolability of the physical body and emphasizes the importance of personal autonomy and self-determination of human beings over their own bodies. In the field of human rights, violation of the bodily integrity of another is regarded as an unethical infringement, intrusive, and possibly criminal.”
Vaccine mandates violate bodily autonomy via coercion. When one is forced to choose between removal of their basic liberties or to unwillingly consent to a medical procedure, this amounts to coercion.
Legislators who propose bills to mandate vaccines or bills to eliminate an individual’s choice ignore the fact that medicine is not a one-size-fits-all practice. Every medical intervention poses risks for some individuals. Vaccines are no exception. Mandatory vaccination programs ignore the fact that a certain percentage of the population will have a serious or deadly reaction. Sadly, we do not know who is susceptible until after the damage is done.
In America, parents are guaranteed a Constitutional right to parent their children, which includes medical decision-making. Those medical decisions take many forms, such as what foods to serve their children, how to treat illness, which doctors to see, and yes, even how to PREVENT disease.
“It is the natural, fundamental right of parents and legal guardians to determine and direct the care, teaching, and education of their children. The public schools of this state serve the needs of the pupils by cooperating with the pupil’s parents and legal guardians to develop the pupil’s intellectual capabilities and vocational skills in a safe and positive manner.”
Informed consent gives an individual the right to analyze the risks and benefits of a proposed medical intervention and then refuse it if the risks outweigh the benefits. Both options must be equally accessible, and refusal must be WITHOUT consequences, such as the threat of losing access to public education or basic medical care. Informed consent prior to any medical intervention is a basic human right.
Michigan state law embraces the concept of informed consent at the state level by allowing parents to decline vaccinations for their children for reasons of conscience, including their religious beliefs. Unfortunately, these protections afforded in state law do not extend into adulthood.

Vaccines are not required to be tested using long-term, double-blind placebo-controlled studies. Instead of using inert placebo controls, vaccines are tested using aluminum adjuvants and/or other vaccines as the ‘controls’ in safety trials. A control is supposed to be a placebo, an inert substance which has NO therapeutic effect. Neither an aluminum adjuvant nor a comparator vaccine qualifies as a placebo. No valid safety claims can be made for any individual vaccine and the ‘CDC schedule in its entirety’ has never been tested for safety or efficacy. Additionally, vaccine manufacturers are permitted by the FDA to do their own safety testing, with no oversight and no verification from a financially independent entity. Nevertheless, when they say that the trial vaccine proved to be no more dangerous or deadly then the aluminum adjuvant or other vaccine against which it was tested, they declare it safe. This is no way to ensure safety for a wide-spread medical intervention given to children.
Aluminum is a neurotoxin, yet infants and young children are repeatedly injected with aluminum adjuvants from multiple vaccines during critical periods of brain development. Numerous studies provide credible evidence that aluminum adversely affects important biological functions and may contribute to neurodegenerative and autoimmune disorders. It is impossible to predetermine which vaccinated babies will succumb to aluminum poisoning.
The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) acknowledges and compensates for adverse reactions known to be associated with certain vaccines. The Vaccine Injury Table includes but is not limited to allergies, seizures, encephalitis (brain damage), autoimmune disorders and death.
Despite these recognized adverse events, many studies have identified additional severe and debilitating conditions resulting from vaccination, that are not compensable through the VICP.

The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) acknowledges and compensates for injury and death as a result of vaccination.
Many peer-reviewed studies evidence severe adverse events that can occur from vaccination. In the 1970s and ‘80s pharmaceutical companies were being sued for serious injuries incurred by children from vaccines, many from the DPT vaccine. So much so, vaccine makers threatened to stop making vaccines, which would impact the vaccine program instituted by public health authorities. Unfortunately, in 1986, vaccine makers were given full federal protection from lawsuits resulting from vaccine injury or death via the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act passed by Congress. Since they are not liable for the safety of their products, there is no incentive to make their products safer or more effective. No other product in this country is mandated without consumer protections.

Few people take the time to review the FDA package insert that comes with a vaccine. Injected ingredients include: MSG, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, aluminum, detergents, glycerin (animal bone collagen), mercury, lead, cadmium, alcohol, yeast proteins, sulfates, antibiotics, acetone, monkey kidney, dog kidney, chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg, calf serum, human DNA and cell fragments (derived from abortion), blood from pigs, horses, sheep, and other humans, rabbit brain, cow heart, and insect cells.
Many of these ingredients have never been clinically tested or approved by the FDA for injection, or ingestion. Defying common sense and violating basic safety and ethics standards, the FDA approves vaccines that contain never-proven-safe ingredients.
Human DNA in Vaccines (Derived from Abortion)
Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the Godfather of Vaccines, under oath speaking to his use of aborted fetuses in vaccine research and development. -
Bioethics News - Is it True That There Are Vaccines Produced Using Aborted Fetuses?
Spontaneous Integration of Human DNA Fragments into Host Genome
Michigan Right to Life Review - Vaccines, Abortion, & Fetal Tissue
United States and Canadian Vaccines Containing Aborted Fetal Cell Lines and Ethical Alternatives
The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was set up to address injury or death following vaccination (in place of suing manufacturers).
This is a taxpayer-funded program. Instead of suing the manufacturer, the plaintiff must sue the federal government (HHS in particular) in the US Court of Claims (Vaccine Court). According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, vaccine injuries and deaths compensated from this fund now exceed FOUR BILLION DOLLARS and include all vaccines currently recommended for school attendance in Michigan.
In 1986 Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. This law established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) which provided a no-fault compensation for those injured by vaccines, and exempted vaccine makers from liability.
To date, the U.S. Court of Claims has awarded almost 4 billion dollars to vaccine victims for catastrophic injuries, yet 2/3 of applicants are still denied compensation.
This act requires vaccine providers to report all suspected vaccine-related adverse events to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). It is estimated that only 1% of adverse events are reported to VAERS.
Vaccines are the only product for which a manufacturer is exempt from liability when their product injures or kills.
Few people take the time to review the FDA package insert that comes with a vaccine. Injected ingredients include: MSG, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, aluminum, detergents, glycerin (animal bone collagen), mercury, lead, cadmium, alcohol, yeast proteins, sulfates, antibiotics, acetone, monkey kidney, dog kidney, chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg, calf serum, human DNA and cell fragments (derived from abortion), blood from pigs, horses, sheep, and other humans, rabbit brain, cow heart, and insect cells.
Many of these ingredients have never been clinically tested or approved by the FDA for injection, or ingestion. Defying common sense and violating basic safety and ethics standards, the FDA approves vaccines that contain never-proven-safe ingredients.
Human DNA in Vaccines (Derived from Abortion)
Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the Godfather of Vaccines, under oath speaking to his use of aborted fetuses in vaccine research and development. -
Bioethics News - Is it True That There Are Vaccines Produced Using Aborted Fetuses?
Spontaneous Integration of Human DNA Fragments into Host Genome
Michigan Right to Life Review - Vaccines, Abortion, & Fetal Tissue
United States and Canadian Vaccines Containing Aborted Fetal Cell Lines and Ethical Alternatives
Annually, 30-50,000 reports of adverse reactions from vaccination are reported to VAERS, a system managed by the CDC and FDA, with over 1000 from Michigan. VAERS is a passive reporting system, and the CDC and FDA estimate only 1-10% of adverse reactions are even reported. In other words, there could be up to 3 million adverse events annually, with up to 100,000 occurring in Michigan. Vaccine injury is hardly rare – and those that propose vaccine mandates believe this collateral damage is acceptable for the greater good.
Many people are not fully informed about their rights to delay or selectively vaccinate in Michigan. Michigan law provides for exemptions to mandatory vaccinations for medical, religious or other reasons – and has since 1978. This includes vaccines required for daycare and preschool through 12th grade. This can be found in Statute §333.9215.
The vaccine schedule has tripled, from 1986 to 2019, to 74 doses of 16 vaccines by age 18. Many of these vaccines are given in combination with others, yet there have been no studies to support the safety and effectiveness of vaccine combinations. Since vaccines are sold by corporations for profit, yet have no liability, it is easy to see why the US vaccine schedule has exploded as it has.