Thousands of Vaccine Injuries and Deaths
Updated: Oct 26, 2023
For Immediate Release
October 1, 2023
Contact: Connie Johnson
Call 313.306.6262 -or- email Connie
TROY, MI ~ Prior to the rushed roll out of the experimental Covid-19 shots, most people generally accepted that vaccinations were safe to use and were effective at preventing disease. Most people thought that vaccines were tested for safety and efficacy. Covid-19 vaccinations changed all of that, with unprecedented numbers of injury and death occurring after 1, 2 or more shots.
To date, according to VAERS, an estimated 2 million people have reported Covid-19 vaccine injuries and deaths. A thousand deaths and four times as many vaccine injuries have been reported in Michigan alone. The cost has been immense, considering there does not seem to be a benefit to getting vaccinated, as it does not prevent the actual disease or subsequent transmission. A recent study shows that with each Covid Vaccination, healthcare workers get sicker and "vaccine-related incapacity could overwhelm public healthcare and must be addressed as part of this important prevention strategy."
October is Vaccine Injury Awareness month. Michigan for Vaccine Choice (MVC) is kicking off the month highlighting the personal stories of Michigan people who have suffered vaccine injuries on our website and social media.
MVC hosted the Vax-UnVax Bus, September 8, 2023. More than 30 people shared their personal stories with vaccine injuries, as well as death of unvaccinated people from criminal hospital protocols during Covid lock down.
Additionally, MVC will Host the 4th Annual Vaccine Injury Awareness Walk on Saturday, October 7, 2023 at Hess-Hathaway Park,825 S Williams Lake Rd Waterford, MI 48327. This event commemorates Michigan families who have suffered vaccine injury and death. It is a way to say: Vaccine injuries aren't new. They aren't going away. And they can't be ignored.