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Does Hepatitis B vaccine stop infection and transmission in school?

By Aaron Siri

Does the Hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine used in the United States stop infection and transmission of Hepatitis B in a school setting?

“Yes” or “No”?

When picking an answer, keep in mind that HepB is mandated in every state except a handful to attend grades K-12 in the United States, and the justification for these rights-crushing mandates is to prevent transmission of Hepatitis B in the school setting.

(Answer below. Paywall will be removed in six days!)

The above is a great question and so the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) sent a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the CDC asking for “documentation sufficient to reflect any case(s) of transmission of Hepatitis B in an elementary, middle, or high school setting.”

In response, the CDC explained that: “A search of our [CDC] records failed to reveal any documents” of “transmission of Hepatitis B in an elementary, middle or high school setting.” This is because Hepatitis B is a bloodborne illness, typically transmitted by sex workers or drug users sharing needles — not activities that occur in a classroom setting.

And of course, at the risk of stating the obvious, just because someone hasn’t gotten a HepB vaccine doesn’t mean they have Hepatitis B! It is also noteworthy that, as the CDC explains, “almost all children 6 years and older and adults infected with the hepatitis B virus recover completely and do not develop chronic infection.”

Screenshots of the relevant portions of the websites linked above (in case they change):

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